Deconstructing the Discourse of Nationalism: A Study of Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines

Ranveer Singh (Department of English, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana)

Amitav Ghosh,a world renowned novelist and author,was born in Kolkata(Calcutta) in 1956. The writings of Amitav Ghosh have often been seen as exercises that extended beyond the genres which frame them. This applies, to a great extent, to most of what Ghosh has written fiction as well as non-fiction. Several researches have been conducted on the novels of Amitav Ghosh. Different scholars have analyzed his novels with different perspectives. The present study is based on the assumption that the fictional works of Amitav Ghosh reflect a confluence of history and human insights.


Ranveer Singh (Department of English, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana)