
COVID-19 Pandemic and its Health Effects on Farming Families in Rural Communities of Haryana

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Page: 105-107

Deepika, Jatesh Kathpalia, Rashmi Tyagi, and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)

The pandemic has affected every aspect of human life, including the agricultural sector. Farmers are the essential components of the food supply chain and play a crucial role in ensuring food security for millions of people worldwide. However the pandemic has severely impacted the health and well-being of the farmers, exacerbating existing challenges they already face. The pandemic has a significant impact on the health of farming families in rural areas of Haryana. The study highlights the impact of COVID-19 on physical and mental health of the farming households. Furthermore, it examine the changes in health seeking behaviour, access to healthcare facilities and the availability of essential medicines and vaccines. The situation overall point towards greater investment in rural healthcare infrastructure to ensure that rural households have access to quality healthcare services. By prioritizing the health and well- being of rural families, we can build a more resilient healthcare system that can withstand future challenges such as pandemics.


Page: 105-107

Deepika, Jatesh Kathpalia, Rashmi Tyagi, and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)