Counsellors as buffers between policy and marginalised
Pages: 179-182
Ravneet Chawla (Department of Human Development and Family Relations Government Home Science College, Panjab University, Chandigarh )
The marginalized population has many challenges. The dignity of each human being is very important to be protected. The state has laws, and rights and directives for implementation to protect, and for the welfare of all, further for the vulnerable and abused. The implementation of these get limited by unwilling obedience, ignorance, poor administration or misconduct. The limited role of support system including counselling services should be enhanced to care and include such population, especially children. The policy is taking care of the reforms needed but there is a need to let the counsellors step in more so that preventions come in more than corrections.
Pages: 179-182
Ravneet Chawla (Department of Human Development and Family Relations Government Home Science College, Panjab University, Chandigarh )