Correlating work engagement with general well-being in retail sector employees
Pages: 472-474
Priyanka Sharma Khanduja (Department of Humanities, School of Law, Knowledge Acres University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand)
Indian Retail industry is the third largest employer accounting for 8.3% employment of the total workforce in the country. Being a labor intensive industry, psychological health and well-being of the workers is important for the success of the industry. From an individual perspective, positive work attitudes like work engagement are important to have a satisfying career and a sense of accomplishment. The present study aimed to understand the relationship of work engagement with general well-being in retail sector employees. Relationships were assessed between three dimensions of work engagement, namely, vigor, dedication and absorption and general well-being in a sample of 150 male and 150 female retail sector employees. The results from the study indicate that work engagement is positively related with general well-being. Out of the three dimensions of work engagement, dedication and absorption are significantly related to the well-being. It was also observed that only males reported a significant relationship between work engagement and general well-being. The results implicate that positive, fulfilling work related state of mind contributes positively to an individual’s well-being. Also, gender is a contributing factor in the relationship. The results imply the need for the trainers and human resource managers to enhance worker’s positive attitudes as satisfied workers translate into productive, high performing organizations.
Pages: 472-474
Priyanka Sharma Khanduja (Department of Humanities, School of Law, Knowledge Acres University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand)