Consumer behavior dimensions in celebrity endorsement
Pages: 44-45
Kalpana Yadav (Department of Management, Singhania University, Rajasthan)
There are many vital and decisive dimensions for consumer behavior in celebrity endorsement. Reference group principles are useful in analyzing the usage of celebrities in advertisements. A reference group is one, which influences an individual’s attitudes and values. There need not necessarily e face-to-face contact between the groups and the individual. Pepsi’s association with cricket celebrities, for example, may result in these celebrities becoming role models for a number of youngsters involved or associated with cricket in terms of their accomplishments, attitudes or even lifestyles. It is this aspect which results in a lot of mileage for this specific brand which is associated with the celebrity. The youngsters may consumer more Pepsi because these celebrities endorse it.
Pages: 44-45
Kalpana Yadav (Department of Management, Singhania University, Rajasthan)