Comparative study of marital adjustment among single career and dual career couples
Pages: 53-56
Ishita Mukerji and Anuradha Sharma (AIPS, Amity University, Noida, Utter Pradesh)
One of the most important relationships between a man and women is marriage. It involves emotional and legal commitment that is quite important in any adult life. Marital adjustment as ‘the state in which there is an over all feeling in husband and wife of happiness and satisfaction with their marriage and with each other’. The present research aims to study the difference in marital adjustment of single career couple and dual career couple The sample size was 80 couples 40 single career and 40 dual career couples. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant difference in marital adjustment of single career and dual career couples. The study reported significant difference in single career couples and dual career couples, their marital adjustment and in their sexual, social and emotional dimensions . Also it adds to the already existing data pool. The study provides an opportunity for further research across age and other variables that could be related with it and to uncover the possible differences or similarities that may be present.
Pages: 53-56
Ishita Mukerji and Anuradha Sharma (AIPS, Amity University, Noida, Utter Pradesh)