Comparative efficacy and coping strategies in women with dependent spouse (being treated) and normal women
Mohammad Reza Askarianzadeh (Department of General Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Mitra Mahmoodi and Seyed Ahmad Mirjafari (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
The aim of research is comparison the self-efficiency and the confrontation with stress strategies in women having addicted husbands (in curing) and normal women in Isfahan in 2014.This review is a descriptive and correlation research according to subject and goal. The reviewed sample includes 100 women with addicted husbands and 100 normal women that referred to abuse centers in Isfahan and chose according to available sampling technique. The participants completed the sherer self-efficiency questionnaire (SES, 1982) and confrontation with stressful situations (clss, 1990) and personal information questionnaires. This research used Gotman reducing to half and Kronbachalfa techniques for stability of tools. The tools showed good validity and stability. This research has used Pearson correlation and multi variable variance analysis statistical techniques. The results showed that quantity of F in variance analysis with P=0/35% is meaningful and define that the average of avoiding confrontation mark is higher in women with addicted husbands than normal women and it shows women with addicted husbands use more avoiding techniques than women with normal husbands. Difference between the average of self- efficiency in two groups of women with addicted husbands and normal husbands is meaningful with P<0/003,T=3/02 .So the hypothesis is confirmed and defines that the average of self- efficiency mark in normal women is higher than women with addicted husbands.
Mohammad Reza Askarianzadeh (Department of General Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Mitra Mahmoodi and Seyed Ahmad Mirjafari (Department of Psychology, Arsanjan Branch Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)