Combating health problems in agriculture through KVK services
Pages: 752-757
Rajesh Dahiya (Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
Saroj Yadav (Department of Textile and Apparel Designing I.C. College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
Cotton, paddy and wheat are major crops grown in Haryana and for these crops various agricultural operations like transplanting, weeding, harvesting, picking and post harvesting are performed by women. They face numerous health problems while performing these tasks. These problems can be overcome by using protective clothing. Front line demonstrations are most powerful tools in communication of new ideas, methods and techniques. Hence the present study was conducted in major cotton, paddy and vegetables growing areas of Bhattu, Fatehabad, and Ratia blocks from Fatehabad district. Interventions about cotton made protective accessories were provided to farm women in peak seasons of respective crop. Intervention package was well blend combination of protective gloves, pick bag for cotton and vegetable picking, four types of cotton made masks i.e. beak mask, pleated mask, hood mask and scarf mask, along with demonstrations, motivational lectures and print literatures. The results of the study highlighted that health hazards were reduced with the use of protective gloves in vegetable and cotton picking like cuts and wounds in hands (61.67%), blisters (58.33%) and skin allergies (56.67%), respectively. Performance evaluation was assessed for both the methods i.e. conventional as well as recommended interventions. Work efficiency and income was found increased by (30.90 %) and (30.30%) in vegetable and cotton picking. Masks of cotton cambric fabric were found most suitable in terms of easy to use, face coverage and protection from dust (M.S. 2.68) followed by masks made with cotton hosiery fabric (M.S. 2.52) and cotton poplin (M.S. 2.34), respectively. Perceived Adoption Feasibility Index was found 84.92 percent in terms of four attributes namely relative advantage (91.78%), compatibility (92.78%), simplicity complexity (74.83%) and triability (80.28 %), respectively.
Pages: 752-757
Rajesh Dahiya (Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
Saroj Yadav (Department of Textile and Apparel Designing I.C. College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)