Child abuse psychological effect and measurement
Pages: 1742-1744
Kalpana Singh and S. K. Srivastava (Department of Psychology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand)
The five-year-old girl, was abducted, brutalized and raped allegedly by two men in east Delhi(2012), ‘Indian couple from Andhra Pradesh facing charges of child abuse burnt and hit their seven-year-old son with belt (2012),.’Three minor girl of juvenile home were raped by peon at Allahabad'(2012),.’The Noida serial murder and abuse case (also Nithari serial murders, Nithari Kand) took place in nithari village in 2006’. Child abuse is a crime which is committed by individuals who are frustrated by their own lives. Abusing a child is as serious crime as killing a person because a child is soft by nature and any abuse that he or she goes through in early stages of life, leaves a lasting effect on its mind for always. However child finds it difficult to forget or erase such memories all he or she ends up in is being frustrated. Some of the victims of child abuse lose their confidence forever and lead their lives as introverts. Childhood is the primary stage of life. It knows no worry or anxiety, no good or evil. It is the period of both ignorance and innocence. The heart of a child is as pure as a Crystal and it is also said that “God lives in a child” But some people without understanding the importance of the fact that a child is God’s gift, abuse them to an extent that their future is ruined forever. The paper is an attempt to analyze the nature and psychological consequences of child abuse.
Pages: 1742-1744
Kalpana Singh and S. K. Srivastava (Department of Psychology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand)