
Character Strengths as Predictors of Resilience among Learning-disabled Children

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Page: 42-49

Aasa T. and Annalakshmi N. (Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)


Page: 42-49

Aasa T. and Annalakshmi N. (Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)

The present study aims to investigate the relationship between character strengths and resilience among children with learning disabilities (LD). A purposive sample of 100 learning-disabled children was employed in the investigation, including boys and girls aged 7 to 13 years (Mean = 12.44, SD = 1.54). Self-report measures on character strengths and resilience were used to assess these attributes. A correlational analysis revealed that strengths such as inquisitiveness, self-regulation, teamwork, leadership, and modesty were positively correlated with resilience. Further, multiple linear regression showed that gender and leadership were significant predictors of resilience among children with LD. Girls were reported to have lower levels of resilience compared to boys. Leadership virtue positively predicted resilience. The findings suggest a promising pathway for a strength-based approach to enhance the overall functioning of children with LD, with implications for the development of interventions aimed at enhancing resilience among children.