Changing pattern of vividness of mental imagery in normal populations to comrobid anxiety of bipolar disorder
Pages: 1882-1886
Daya Sindhu (Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh)
Mental imagery is the integral part of emotion thus it can be assumed that this has some role in emotion driven psychological disorders such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, bipolar disorders and so on. We can experience mental imagery in many different ways like visualizing something or experiencing someone’s touch who is not actually present. Many researches indicate that mental imagery has role in bipolar disorder but little is known about the kind of presence of mental imagery in bipolar disorder. In the current study we tried to understand the presence of mental imagery in comorbid anxiety of bipolar disorder and also the developmental pattern of mental imagery from normal individual to anxiety patients to those bipolar patients who are comorbid of anxiety disorder. From purposive sampling we selected 128 participatnts who took the part in this study out of which 43 were bipolar patients comorbid with anxiety, 43 were anxiety patients and 42 were normal individuals. Sample was taken from different mental health centers from Prayag raj, Varanasi and Ranchi. These participants were examined with different scales like HAMD, BAI, YMRS, VVIQ and scores were obtained. Analysis of the data shows that there are significant difference in imagery between normal group and bipolar group. Results show that F variance (F(2, 125) = 5.424, p= .006) is significant for all three levels of imagery in Anxiety, Depression (F(2, 125)= 20.645, p= .01) and Mania (F(2, 125)= 3.533, p= .003).
Pages: 1882-1886
Daya Sindhu (Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh)