Burnout as correlate of personality among bank personnel
Pages: 1449-1451
Sangeeta and Rajesh Kumar (Department of Psychology, Pt. CLS Government PG College, Karnal, Haryana)
The present study was conducted to find out the relationship between burnout and personality among bank personnel. The sample of 200 bank personnel were selected from four different banks of Haryana State. Maslach Burnout Inventory, Maslach and Jackson (1996) and Personality Test, Costa and McCrae (1992) were used to study burnout and personality respectively. The obtained data was statistically analysed by employing product moment method and t-test.Results indicate that neuroticism is significant positively correlated with burnout and extroversion, openness, agreeable and conscientiousness are significantly negative correlated with burnout. Results also indicate that high and low groups of burnout are significantly differ on personality.
Pages: 1449-1451
Sangeeta and Rajesh Kumar (Department of Psychology, Pt. CLS Government PG College, Karnal, Haryana)