Big five personality factors: Its role in determining organizational commitment
Pages: 425-431
Sarita Sood and Divya Puri (P. G. Department of Psychology, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K)
Person job fit model proposes selection of suitable individual which contributes toward positive organizational outcomes. The organizational commitment is a job attitude which cannot be measured during the selection process. However, its antecedents can be ascertained and may become basis for employee selection. Among several possible predictors personality could be worth measuring while hiring an individual. The personality traits are relatively stable and are linked with desirable organizational outcomes. Therefore, his study intends to explore the relationship between personality traits and organizational commitment using Big Five Inventory and Organizational Commitment Scale. Purposive sampling was employed and data were collected from 100 nationalized bank employees in Jammu city (India). Pearson’s product moment method and linear regression was used to carry out the statistical analysis of the data. Positive and significant relationship has been found between extraversion and affective commitment; agreeableness and normative commitment; openness to experience and normative commitment. Negative but significant relationship between conscientiousness and continuance commitment emerged in this study. Extraversion and agreeableness are found to predict affective and normative commitment respectively. The findings have implications for human resource management.
Pages: 425-431
Sarita Sood and Divya Puri (P. G. Department of Psychology, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K)