Behavioural problems among Bal Sanskar Kendra (BSK) and Non-bal Sankar Kendra (Non-BSK)
Pages: 1642-1645
V. R. Shinde (Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra)
The present investigation was conducted to explore the behavioural problems found to be associated with Bal -Sanskar Kendra (BSK) of Swadhyaya Pariwar and Non-Bal Sanskar Kendra (Non-BSK) of Non- Swadhyaya Pariwar on a total sample of 240 of BSK and Non BSK children including both girls and boys, between the age range of 11 to 14 years old by employing two-group design to measure behavioural problems. Therefore, Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) for age 6-18 by Achenbech and Resocria (2001) was used. The mean scores on the sample of Bal Sanskar (BSK) and Non Bal Sanskar Kendra (Non BSK) children along with factors such as anxiety/depressed, withdrawn behaviour, somatic complaints, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, rule breaking behaviour and, aggressive behaviour found to be significant on BSK children of Swadhyaya Pariwar than that of Non- BSK children of Non- Swadhyaya Pariwar The obtained F ratio was significant at .01 level.
Pages: 1642-1645
V. R. Shinde (Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra)