Behavioral problems and expressed emotions amongst patients suffering from epilepsy

Pages: 1806-1809
Vikas Sharma (AICP, Amity University Haryana Gurgaon, Haryana)
Lalit Kumar Singh (Department of Psychology Lucknow University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)
Kiran Srivastava (AIBAS, Amity University Lucknow Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)

The behavioural problems associated with epilepsy are a source of concern to the health care professionals. The current research study examined the behavioural problems in adult patients suffering from epilepsy and its relationship with perceived expressed emotion. The present research study examined 30 participants afflicted with epilepsy. The sample constituted of both males and females participants. The behavioural problems and expressed emotions were studied by using standardized assessment tools. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Gender differences were found in manifestation of behavioural problems. The frequencies of behavioural problems were higher in male participants. Moreover, male participants experienced high expressed emotions when compared with female participants. Seizures were found be associated with behavior problems in the course of a seizure condition, even when patients were on regular medicine.


Pages: 1806-1809
Vikas Sharma (AICP, Amity University Haryana Gurgaon, Haryana)
Lalit Kumar Singh (Department of Psychology Lucknow University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)
Kiran Srivastava (AIBAS, Amity University Lucknow Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)