Behavioral Analysis of Neurotic Characters of Anita Desai: A Select Study

Amandeep Kaur and Sudhir Kumar (Department of English, Monad University, Hapur, UP)

Anita Desai’s is one of the most significant fiction writers today her fiction can be analyzed taking into consideration the psychological motivations of her novels as psychic drama through flashback, diary entries, self analysis, ruminations, rumbling of dialogue and description of places and people. Looking inward in her characters, Desai explores the intricate facts of human experiences bearing upon the central experience of psychic tensions of characters. Her chief concern is human relationship. Her central theme is the existential predicament of an individual which she projects through incompatible couples- very sensitive wives and ill-matched husbands.


Amandeep Kaur and Sudhir Kumar (Department of English, Monad University, Hapur, UP)