Baharieh, Description of Spring in Khorasani Style Poetry
Seyyed Hashem Hashemi, Khosro Mahmoudi and Seyed Ata Azimi (Department of Persian Language and Literature, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Composing poems about spring (Baharieh) has been common since the emergence of Persian poetry to the date and poets in different eras have tried to describe spring and nature revitalization and have expressed their wishes and aspirations in the form of Baharieh. Dr. Soroush Shamisa states: “Baharieh, the description of spring, can be divided into two categories: 1. Actual Baharieh, that is the actual description of spring and the nature as an introduction to eulogy as used in poems composed by Khorasani Style poets to eulogize a king or sultan. Alternatively, Bahariah was used to compose epics as can be seen in works by Ferdousi and Asadi Tousi. 2. Symbolic Baharieh which is an introvertive description of spring and the nature using a symbolic and metaphoric language” (Shamisa, 1997: 27). Khorasani Style poets who used to live in a nature replete with freshness and joy have depicted the world as a place full of effervescence and hope of life. The present study is going to describe elegantly composed odes. The verses used in this study are selected from all poets and their poetries edited by Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Dabirsiaghi. The numbers given in front of verses shows the page number and the verse number, accordingly.
Seyyed Hashem Hashemi, Khosro Mahmoudi and Seyed Ata Azimi (Department of Persian Language and Literature, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)