Attitudes, self-efficacy and valuing learner diversity: A review
Deepika (Department of Psychology, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, Delhi)
The term ‘Attitude’ encompasses a wide range of affective behaviours (e.g., prefer, accept, appreciate, & commitment). In general, an attitude is a mental state of readiness exerting direct or indirect influence upon an individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related. Therefore if we have some idea about the attitude of an individual towards a specific thing or activity whether an individual can be persuaded to participate in a particular thing or activity then we would know whether he or she adopts it with interest and sincerity. Attitudes have a powerful influence on behaviour. Teachers’ thoughts and beliefs about inclusion impact their behaviour in the classroom. Teachers’ beliefs about their ability to succeed in teaching in an inclusive setting or their sense of self-efficacy also impacts on teaching behaviours. Present paper is an endeavor to understand the relation between the three key words Attitude, self-efficacy and valuing the learner diversity accordingly.
Deepika (Department of Psychology, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, Delhi)