Attitude towards dowry: Comparison between boys and girls college students, employed and unemployed male persons of Tripura
Pages: 1732-1735
Deepa Ghosh (Department of Psychology, N. S. Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura)
The study aimed at examining the attitude of the boys and girls students and male employed and unemployed persons towards Dowry. The study was conducted on 154 individuals. Among them 84 college students (boys-50; girls-34) were selected from three different degree colleges of Tripura and 70 male persons (35 employed and 35 umemployed) were selected from different strata of the society. The age of the college students ranged between 19-21 years whereas the ages of all the employed and unemployed persons were above 30 years. For the purpose of data collection, the Dowry Attitude Scale (DAS) was utilized. The test retest reliability coefficient and validity of the scale are 0.88 and 0.89 respectively. The study revealed that the girls possess favourable attitude towards dowry. Further, significant difference was found between the attitude of the boys and girls college students. No significant difference was evident between the attitude of the male employed and unemployed persons towards dowry. Surprisingly, all the groups possess favourable attitude towards dowry.
Pages: 1732-1735
Deepa Ghosh (Department of Psychology, N. S. Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, Tripura)