Atrocities against scheduled castes in India: An sociological study of violent behavior
Pages: 1932-1934
Ravi Hebsur (Department of Sociology, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka)
Crime against Scheduled caste by the upper caste people and positioned population were discriminate the lower position people from ancient era and this thing from the past developed some intolerance in the present society instead of the rules and regulation, constitution to hold equality, no discrimination with respect to caste, colour, sex, and other things. The present paper discusses the changes in the pattern of crime against SCs and some of the recent data which are considered raising the crime rate in the current society. The position of the lower caste and upper caste people concerning the social orders, political status, powers, availability source to the both of the castes in the current situation and access of administration along with universal access to lower caste difference played a significant role. The present paper follows the secondary data to discuss the previous data and along with the current condition of the lower caste people in modern days rural and urban area SCs in India.
Pages: 1932-1934
Ravi Hebsur (Department of Sociology, Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka)