Association of caste with knowledge level of women representatives in gram panchayat activities
Pages: 213-216
Sunita Singh and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
The 73rd Constitution Amendment has created space for women in political participation and decision-making at the grass roots level by reserving one-third of the seats all over the country. The efficient functioning and desired goals of PRI are not possible without active participation of women representatives in different development activities and decision making process. It is the need of the hour to examine the knowledge of women representatives in PRIs despite the socio-economic constraints. The present study was undertaken to know the association of caste with knowledge level of women in gram panchayat activities. The present study was undertaken in purposively selected Panchkula and Mewat districts of Haryana state having the highest and the lowest female literacy status, respectively. A sample of 160 respondents consisting of 80 respondents from each district was taken. Caste status in the present context was measured with the help of relative scoring pattern. Scores were assigned to different caste groups as per legal prescriptions under the constitution. These include: General castes (1); Backward classes (2) and Scheduled castes (3). The socioeconomic profile of respondents indicated that majority of them were from middle age, illiterate or primary school educated, married, belonging to backward class, joint family, farming, medium income group and low to medium mass media exposure. A significant association of caste with knowledge level of women leaders was observed except a few like structural aspects and decision making. Women from general caste were having high knowledge about administrative and economic activities, agricultural, educational, public and civic amenities while knowledge level in case of women from backward class was high for social, political and health and sanitation activities. However women from schedule caste were having high knowledge of political activities.
Pages: 213-216
Sunita Singh and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)