Assessment of certain life skills among high school adolescents of Jaipur district
Pages: 1191-1193
Ruby Jain and Siddhi Goyal (Department of Home Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan)
Adolescence is a period of transition between playful childhood and responsible adulthood with a large number of changes in physical, psychological and social domains of life. Adolescent boys and girls encounter social identity crisis, emotional turmoil, peer pressure and anti social behavior, problems in intimate relationship with opposite sex partners, conflicts with parents on values and morality, academic pressure and uncertainties about future. Life skills education can facilitate adolescent’s practices and reinforce psychosocial skills in a culturally and developmentally appropriate way; it contributes to the promotion of personal and social development, the prevention of health and social problems, and the protection of human rights in young peoples. Life skills education promotes mental well-being in young people and equips them to face the realities of life. The purpose of the study was to assess Life Skills among 11th grade girls and boys student of Government Senior Secondary School of Jaipur district. The main reason for selecting only 11th grade students was that Life Skills Education is a compulsory subject in eleventh standard; therefore, 400 students (200 girls and 200 boy’s students) were randomly selected from 16 Government Senior Secondary School of Jaipur District. The data were collected by using the LAS scale (Only Problem Solving, Decision Making, Coping with Emotions & Stress variables were taken for the study). Pretest and posttest design was used for data collection. Results show that girls were better on some of the Life Skills as compare to boys, in both pre and post test phases.
Pages: 1191-1193
Ruby Jain and Siddhi Goyal (Department of Home Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan)