Application of science of positive psychology for enhancing quality of life of alcoholic’s spouse

Pooja Rai (Department of Psychology, Arya Mahila P. G. College, Varanasi, UP)
Sandhya Singh Kaushik (Department of Psychology, M.M.V., B.H.U., Varanasi, UP)

Alcoholism is a disease that is negatively affecting the psychosocial areas of family members especially wives of alcoholics. (1) To know the impact of alcoholism on quality of life of alcoholic’s spouse. What were the major areas of quality of life, which were getting more affected by severity of alcoholism? (2) To know the impact of Multi-modal therapies for Enhancing Quality of Life of Alcoholic’s Spouse in a given severe case. (1)100 alcohol dependent patients (fulfilling DSM IV TR criteria) and their spouse (wives of alcoholics who did not have history of substance) were taken from SSL Hospital, B.H.U., Varanasi. This group was taken as experimental group. On the other hand, 100 nonalcoholic respondents and their spouse (who did not have history of substance) were taken as control group. (2) A Case Study. (1) Alcohol Dependent scale was administered on 100 alcohol dependent patients. W.H.O. Brief Quality of Life Scale was administered on wives of alcoholics and non-alcoholics i.e. both groups. (2) Application of Correction of Misconceptions, Auto suggestion, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Meditation, Positive Reinforcement and Nutrition therapies for improving Mental Health of wife of an alcoholic. (1) Findings indicated that spouse of alcoholics had significantly poor score on all dimensions (Physical, Psychological, Social relation and environmental) of quality of life scale as compared to control group. Although all dimensions of quality of life of alcoholic’s spouse were affected, the dimensions of social relation and environment were significantly more affected by severity of alcoholism as compared to physical and psychological dimensions.(2) Multi-Modal therapies /intervention strategies showed better overall quality of life in the given case. (1) Quality of life among spouse/wives of alcoholics was poor as compared to control group. On the other hand, severity of alcoholism had negative impact on all dimensions of quality of life of alcoholic’s spouse, but they were especially poorer in maintaining social relations and their adjustment with environment as compared to their other dimensions. (2)Therefore, after Behavior Analysis, more focused, programmed and tailor made intervention strategies on these areas were implemented for better outcome in the given case


Pooja Rai (Department of Psychology, Arya Mahila P. G. College, Varanasi, UP)
Sandhya Singh Kaushik (Department of Psychology, M.M.V., B.H.U., Varanasi, UP)