
Application of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy module on severity of depression and emotion regulation in patients with OCD

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Page: 1328-1331

Ashwani Pundeer and Masroor Jahan (Department of Clinical Psychology, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand)


Page: 1328-1331

Ashwani Pundeer and Masroor Jahan (Department of Clinical Psychology, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand)

The present investigation was aimed to evaluate the applicability of MBCT module on depression and emotion regulation in patient with OCD. A hospital based confirmatory study was conducted in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder using Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. A total of 20 patients with Obsessive-compulsive disorder as per inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the study. The severity of depression and emotion regulation was assessed through BDI-II and DERS. OCD specific module was prepared and applicability and sustain ability of the gain was assessed. The significant difference was found on severity of depression and emotion regulation in patient with OCD in pre, post and follow up assessment. After introducing MBCT, severity of depression was reduced and emotion regulation was improved. Thus, MBCT may be applicable and efficacious in severity of depression and improving emotion regulation in patients with OCD.