Application of cognitive retraining on response inhibition and planning ability in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Pages: 1332-1335
Soniya Vats and Jai Prakash (Department of Clinical Psychology, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand)

The objective of the study was to examine the applicability of cognitive retraining on response inhibition and Planning ability (executive functions) in children with ADHD. Pre test and post test control group design was used. This study was conducted a total of 20 children with ADHD. 10 children with ADHD were assigned in cognitive retraining group (experimental group) and 10 children with ADHD were assigned to control group who were attending regular classroom teaching only. Both groups of children were screened by using SNAP-IV and MISIC for the assessment of intellectual functioning and presence of ADHD. Children`s Stroop Color-Word Test and Porteus Mazes test were used as an outcome measures at pre and post assessment. Cognitive retraining incorporated suitable techniques selected from the module of Brain wave-R series (2002) and Parente and Anderson-Parente (1991). The results showed (before and after CR) significant improvement on response inhibition and planning ability in children with ADHD at pre and post assessment. Cognitive retraining may be applicable for children with ADHD. Though, replication with large sample and longer sessions of cognitive retraining in real life situation might be more promising intervention for children with ADHD.


Pages: 1332-1335
Soniya Vats and Jai Prakash (Department of Clinical Psychology, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand)