Anxiety among workers in diamond cutting and polishing industry
Pages: 1543-1546
Girijesh K. Yadav, Sunil Kumar, and Mahatam Mishra (ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad, Gujarat)
This study was conducted to assess the anxiety among diamond workers with respect to their job task. Three hundred forty-two diamond workers have been enrolled from Ahmedabad, Gujarat ranging between 18 to 60 years belonging to five different job tasks – Ghattarasi (n=37), Table cutting (n=35), Talia bottom (n=123), Athpel (n=78) and Mathala (n=69). Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) has been used to assess the level of anxiety among diamond workers. Results showed a moderate level of anxiety (M=11.69, SD=6.5) among diamond workers. One-way ANOVA revealed no significant difference in anxiety scores across different job tasks except Ghattarasi workers. Ghattarasi workers did not show the presence of anxiety. Hence, the level of anxiety among diamond workers has not been significantly influenced by their job task a part from Ghattarasi workers.
Pages: 1543-1546
Girijesh K. Yadav, Sunil Kumar, and Mahatam Mishra (ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad, Gujarat)