
Analysis of the Relationship between Solid Ink Density, Dot Gain and Print Contrast in Digital Printing

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Deepak Kumar Sharma and Ruby Rani (Department of Printing Technology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)

The print quality is more and more importance in the printing industry due to high degree of automation, competition and ISO certification of product and systems. The quality can be analysed in visual and instrument basis. If the quality is analysed visually, then it is the analysis of print consistency and if the quality is analysed instrumentally, then it is the analysis of quality consistency. Here the quality of the print is considered using a densitometer. Three quality parameters are considered here and the relationship between them are analysed. The result shows that the SID increases the Dot Gain and Print Contrast is also Increases and vice versa. But this relationship varies little higher and lower level as compared colour to colour. The practical experiment does not shows absolute relationship between as in the mathematical manner


Deepak Kumar Sharma and Ruby Rani (Department of Printing Technology, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana)