Analysis of computer phobia and attitude of secondary school teachers towards information technology

Pages: 60-62
Heena Mittal and Jaswinder Kaur (Department of Education, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab)

Computer technological innovation has reformed the Indian instructive framework. The fundamental goal of computer in training is upgrading the instructing learning process, however, computer phobia is among the true impediments. Computer phobia denotes different sort of phobia that teachers face in teacher learning process in the everyday life of theirs. This particular study was specifically targeted at seeing whether gender and also the parents’ amount of training had some impact on their laptop attitude among teachers. The public with this research is composed of 250 teachers of Haryana, plus they had been selected by a random sampling technique. The instrument utilized for the current study is “Computer Attitude Scale” to attain a “computer attitude”. While Descriptive analysis, mean value, Standard deviation, and also t test and f test methods have been utilized for statistical analysis. The outcomes on the analysis demonstrated that entire samples of teachers attitude towards info technology are favorable. Both female and male teachers attitude towards info technology are favorable. The students whose Socio Economic Status have positive attitude towards. Results suggested that there’s no great unique between female and male pupils in their approach towards computer system, and computer attitude among teachers depending on their parent’s academic level is additionally insignificant.


Pages: 60-62
Heena Mittal and Jaswinder Kaur (Department of Education, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab)