An overview of urban poverty, migration and distribution of slum households in India
Pages: 2131-2135
S. M. Jainuddin (Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka)
India’s population is 1.28 billion with an average growth rate, from 2010-2015, at 1.3 percent per annum. The 21.9 percent of the Indian population live below the national poverty line (GOI, 2013). According to a 2001 census, India’s cities have a slum population of 42.6 million (23.7 percent of the urban population). The secondary data related to poverty, migration, slum population were collected from report of the Expert Group to review the Methodology for measurement of Poverty, Government of India, Planning Commission-June, 2014 and A statistical compendium on urbanization and poverty in India, 2010 published from ministry of housing and poverty alleviation, national building organization. The percentage share of population BPL in rural area is 56.44 percent and in urban area is 49.01 percent during 1973-74 which was decreased to 25.70 percent and 13.70 percent, respectively. The percentage of slums in western region drastically increased from 24.50 percent to 33.45 percent and where as marginally increased in central region. The highest migration of male was noticed from rural to urban (39.00%) followed by urban to urban (24.80%). The study indicates that 53.20 percent of slum peoples have availed the banking services and more than 45 percent of slum peoples have not availed the banking services in India.
Pages: 2131-2135
S. M. Jainuddin (Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka)