
An Increasing Mental Health Condition: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Impact of Depression

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Page: 271-274
Sherin Joseph and Rosalito De Guzman (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)

Depression is a developing mental health disease with a range of adverse effects and low psychological well-being among adolescents. Depression can be diagnosed and treated more effectively if individuals know the risk factors, symptoms, and consequences. Based on existing research, this research aims to emphasise these possible risks connected to depressive disorder, along with its symptoms and influence on adolescents’ lives. A scoping study of depression’s risk factors, symptoms, and effect on adolescents revealed valuable results. A review of the findings of studies on depressive symptoms provides insight into the importance given to depression. Its goal is to raise understanding about this severe mental health issue that currently affects a vulnerable population of adolescents.


Page: 271-274
Sherin Joseph and Rosalito De Guzman (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)