An exploratory study on correlates of depression in young adults
Pages: 884-888
Nisha Osan and Sumita Chauhan (Department of Psychology, Jain University, Bangalore, Karnataka)
The study aimed to understand and study the various physical, social and psychological factors of depression and also to study the gender difference in the various correlates of depression with regard to the different dimensions of Physical, Social and Psychological (Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral) in the two sections of Symptomatology and Risk Factors for Depression. Data was analyzed using Content and Thematic Analysis. A sample of 30 young adults including both men and women revealed a wide variety of themes and responses with regard to the various dimensions of depression in both the sections of Symptomatology and Risk Factors.
Pages: 884-888
Nisha Osan and Sumita Chauhan (Department of Psychology, Jain University, Bangalore, Karnataka)