Allama Iqbal on the Reality of Man: A Psycho-Philosophical Perspective
Pirzada M. Amin (Department of Social Work University of Kashmir, Kashmir)
There can be no dualism on the subject that Iqbal was the poet of Quran and like Quran Iqbal made man the centre of his philosophy or message. Man is the subject as well as object of kalami-Iqbal. It is the man himself and not his anatomy or physiology that concerns Iqbal. The picture of man as “biological machine “governed by Kantian philosophy of determinism was abhorred by Iqbal. He emphasized the spiritual aspect of man and in doing so he lifted man beyond physical, biological and psychological dimensions of cosmos. As per Iqbal man is an ambassador of Allah & is thus pertinently entitled to “khalifat ul arz”. Though chemical in composition, he is metaphysical by constitution. His outer simplicity conceals his inner complexity and his biology shadows his spirituality. Conquering the cosmic frontiers at one end, man fails to comprehend his own existence at other end. Addressing this conundrum of lack of comprehension of man Iqbal says:
Pirzada M. Amin (Department of Social Work University of Kashmir, Kashmir)