Agriculture communication vis-à-vis farmers: A study of two villages of Haryana
Pages: 412-416
Shilpa Gulia (Department of Communication Management and Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana)
Lack of proper information is still perceived as one of the reasons of under development of agriculture. Now a day’s government is trying its best to give all needed information to the farmers. A fully fledged channel on agriculture, i.e., Kisan is broad casting programmes for farmers welfare. Still the efforts are not sufficient. Agriculture has become more challenging today. In the era of climate change it has become more difficult for the farmers. There is many other factors i.e. erratic market behavior, increasing input and side effects of pesticides have increased the challenge manifolds. To know the information level, awareness level, a survey was conducted in two villages of Haryana named as Mothsara and Kundanpura. Issues like organic farming, Biogas, Dairy, Harvesting process and crop rotation were taken. A total number of 236 respondents were selected randomly and interviewed by means of an interview schedule to collect the data. It is a pre survey of Ph.D research titled as Role of a Support Channel in Agriculture Communication: An Experiment with a Rural Newspaper in Haryana. The findings are revealing.
Pages: 412-416
Shilpa Gulia (Department of Communication Management and Technology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana)