
Affluenza as a Predictor of Subjective Well-being among Undergraduates

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Page: 83-88

Zainab Khan and S. Reshma Jamal (Department of Psychology, AMU, Uttar Pradesh)


Page: 83-88

Zainab Khan and S. Reshma Jamal (Department of Psychology, AMU, Uttar Pradesh)

In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to understand the influence of affluenza on the subjective well-being of undergraduate youth. 102 male and female students, aged 18 to 24, made up the sample for the current study. The World Health Organisation Well-being Index (WHO-5) and the Affluenza Scale were given to them. The data were gathered via random sampling procedures. The data was analyzed by using a t-test, Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation, and linear regression in SPSS version 22. The result of the present study suggests that affluenza has a significant negative impact on the subjective well-being of undergraduate youth.