Adjustment to college campus: A psychosocial perspective
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Pages: 478-481
Sangeeta Rath (Department of Psychology, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha)
Sumitra Nanda (Department of Psychology, M.H.D. Mahavidyalaya Chhatia, Jajpur, Odisha)
An attempt was made to examine the effect of gender and academic competence on adjustment to campus of adolescents. The study adopted a 2 (academically competent adolescents versus academically less-competent adolescents) × 2 (boys versus girls) factorial design. In the present study, two hundred forty adolescents (120 academically competent adolescents securing 80% or more marks and 120 academically less-competent ones securing 50% or less marks) are randomly sampled from different urban colleges of Odisha. All the subjects were first year graduate students. The participants of all the four groups were compared with respect to their adjustment to college campus. The result indicated that academically competent adolescents scored higher in different aspects of campus adjustment like academic, social, personal-emotional, attachment to campus and overall adjustment than less-competent ones. Boys show more academic and personal-emotional adjustment where as girls show more social adjustment.
Pages: 478-481
Sangeeta Rath (Department of Psychology, Utkal University Bhubaneswar, Odisha)
Sumitra Nanda (Department of Psychology, M.H.D. Mahavidyalaya Chhatia, Jajpur, Odisha)