Academic anxiety and self-esteem of learning disabled children
Pages: 1024-1026
Lata Sati and Deepika Vig (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Home Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab)
The present study aims to assess the influence of academic anxiety on self-esteem of learning disabled children. The total sample for the present study consisted of 80 learning disabled children. The sample was selected from remedial centres/ schools with remedial services in Ludhiana, Chandigarh, and Khanna. Only those children were selected who belonged to intact families and had been formally diagnosed as learning disabled by a certified psychologist or remedial educationist and had been taking remediation for a period of at least 6 months. Cooper smith Inventories (School Form) by Cooper smith (1981) was used to assess self-esteem of learning disabled children. Academic Anxiety Scale by Singh and Gupta (2009) was used to assess levels of academic anxiety among children. Results reflected that children with learning disability were found to be academically either highly anxious or less anxious. The learning disabled children who were having high self-esteem were found to have low academic anxiety in contrast to children having medium self-esteem.
Pages: 1024-1026
Lata Sati and Deepika Vig (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Home Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab)