A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of rickshaw driver’s regarding tobacco and its harmful effects at Mohindergarh (Haryana) in a view to develop and distribute study material on hazards of tobacco

Pages: 1022-1024
Pramod Kumar Saharan (College of Nursing, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak)
Ujjawal Dahiya (College of Nursing AIIMS, New Delhi)
Sat Pal (Department of Physiology, Pt.B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak )

“A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of rickshaw driver’s regarding tobacco and its harmful effects at Mohindergarh (Haryna) in a view to develop and distribute study material on hazards of tobacco.” sample size consists of 100 Auto Rickshaw, with the objective of knowledge and attitude of rickshaw driverss regarding tobacco and its harmful effect .the descriptive research designwas used, the sampling technique was convenient sampling technique, The study results on knowledge level showed that 78 (78%) had inadequate knowledge, 15 (15%) had moderate knowledge and 7 (7%) had adequate knowledge and conclude that rickshaw drivers having less knowledge on tobacco and its harmful effects. that (70%) samples are having favorable attitude, (25%) samples are having moderate favorable attitude and (5%) having unfavorable attitude regarding tobacco and its harmful effects.


Pages: 1022-1024
Pramod Kumar Saharan (College of Nursing, Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak)
Ujjawal Dahiya (College of Nursing AIIMS, New Delhi)
Sat Pal (Department of Physiology, Pt.B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak )