A study on work life balance and performance management in female teachers
Pages: 1815-1817
Nisha Goyal, Sunaina Jain and Ritu Jain (Department of Commerce, F. C. College, Hisar, Haryana)
The purpose of this paper is to find the various factors effecting the work life balance and performance of women academician. The sample was comprised o 50 female teachers in the age range of 30-40 years from school and college level. As we know time has been changed women have play a vital role in society. It is very difficult for them to make a balance with their work and performance along their family responsibility. To analyze the data statistical tools like frequency, mean etc. have been used. The results indicated that authority pressure, unreasonable groups and conflict between their role and responsibility affect their work. Factors like stress of overloaded work affect their performance.
Pages: 1815-1817
Nisha Goyal, Sunaina Jain and Ritu Jain (Department of Commerce, F. C. College, Hisar, Haryana)