A study on farmers preference towards solar water pumps in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu

Pages: 65-68
R. Likith, S. Moghana Lavanya, K. Mahendran, and R. Vasanthi (Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)

Solar Power is the power generated through conversion of radiation from sun into electricity directly by photovoltaic arrays or indirectly using concentrated solar power systems. Presently, usage of solar power for the discharge of groundwater is gradually increasing due to increase in fuel costs. The objective of the study was to understand the reasons for adoption of solar water pumps among the farmers of Coimbatore district. Primary data was collected from 60 sample farmers through personal interview using well structured interview schedule. The results of the study revealed that availability of subsidy from the Government and low/zero maintenance cost were the major reasons for adoption of SWPs by farmers in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu.


Pages: 65-68
R. Likith, S. Moghana Lavanya, K. Mahendran, and R. Vasanthi (Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)