A study on emotional intelligence of school teachers in Karaikal region in U.T. of Puducherry
Pages: 586-587
S. Robinson (Department of Psychology, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Govt.College of Education, Karaikal, U.T of Puducherry)
In this study the investigator attempts to estimate the different components of emotional intelligence of school teachers in Karaikal region of U.T of Puducherry. A sample of 43 female teachers who are working in different schools of that region. The background variables such as age, teaching experience and various dimensions of emotional intelligence have been statistically analysed. The study reveals that age, teaching experience and components of emotional intelligence are not statistically significant. Inter-correlation of components of emotional intelligence showed significant relationship with the dimensions of self-awareness, Empathy, self-motivation, emotional stability, managing relations, integrity, self-development, value orientation, commitment and altruistic behaviour. Regarding the relationship among the co-domain commitment is least influenced and emotional stability is more influenced among the school teachers irrespective of their age and years of experience.
Pages: 586-587
S. Robinson (Department of Psychology, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Govt.College of Education, Karaikal, U.T of Puducherry)