A Study of Some Aspects of Communication in Academic Field with Reference to The Communicative English Course Taught in Tripura
Mun Mun Das Biswas (Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Government of Tripura, Tripura)
In the words of Ashley Montagu and Floyd Matson as quoted in Gamble and Gamble, (2010:1) Whether clear or garbled, tumultuous or silent, deliberate or fatally inadvertent, communication is the ground of meeting………. It is, in short, the essential human connection…… A college student, a corporate vice president, a teenager, an octogenarian, two people in love, a doctor and a patient, a native and a foreigner, parents, children, friends, enemies, decision makers, and speakers in general — all share at least one thing: a need to communicate. Developing the ability to communicate effectively with others is essential not only for one’s own success but also for the success of any organizations we work for, any groups we become part of, any relationships we develop with people we come to know. In today’s world, job-specific talent, technical expertise, and graduation from a prestigious school etc. do not carry any guarantees for upward mobility or attainment of goals. Many of us get our jobs because of our social capital, that is, our social connections or social networks consisting of the persons whom we know rather than our human capital i.e. what we know. Our workplaces are the primary environments for connecting with others. The internet has democratized information.
Mun Mun Das Biswas (Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Government of Tripura, Tripura)