
A study of psychological strengths and weaknesses of children and adolescents from leprosy community: A case study of south Delhi

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Pages: 611-613
Shama Norien Major (I.A.S.E, Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)

There has been several research studies results showing the relationship between the effects of poverty on child development especially chronic poverty on children’s health physical as well as mental. This paper is a case study which aims to study the psychological strengths and weaknesses of children and adolescents in the age of 11 to 16 years living in leprosy community. To study and analyze the common strengths and weaknesses which these children and adolescents who live in not only in chronic poverty but also experience social exclusion from the main stream society due to living in leprosy community. Data has been collected using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire having 25 items along with an impact supplement of Goodman. Data has been analyzed and discussed after the results interpretation. Conclusions have been drawn on the basis of analysis and interpretation of Data obtained.


Pages: 611-613
Shama Norien Major (I.A.S.E, Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi)