A study of economic background and mental health of adolescents
Shashikant Sarjerao Pisal (Jeevan Prabhodhini Kanya Mahavidyalaya Vita, Sangli)
R. K. Adsul (Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garware Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra)
The purpose of the study was to find out the difference in mental health of adolescents from low, middle and high economic status families. Selected adolescents were from (Tasgaon & kavthemahankal taluka) sangli district in Maharashtra. 150 students from 10 and 12th std. were selected by random sampling method from rural area. High, middle and low economic status 50 students of each category were selected(N=150, male 75 & female 75).Their age range was 16to18 years. Data collected through mental health battery and economic status scale and analyzed by mean, S.D, and t’ test. Results revealed that mental health of adolescent from middle economic status family is better than that of adolescents from high economic status family. There is no significant difference between adolescents of high and low economic status families on mental health. The middle economic status family adolescents are better than low economic status adolescents. There is difference between boys and girls on mental health. Boy’s mental health is better than girls.
Shashikant Sarjerao Pisal (Jeevan Prabhodhini Kanya Mahavidyalaya Vita, Sangli)
R. K. Adsul (Department of Psychology, Smt. Mathubai Garware Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Sangli, Maharashtra)