A study of career decision-making among adolescents

Pages: 18-22
Jagpreet Kaur and Ramanjeet Kaur (Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab )

The present study was undertaken to explore gender, locale-wise and stream-wise differences in career decision-making among adolescents. The investigation was conducted through descriptive method of study. Career Decision-Making Profile (CDMP) Questionnaire developed by Gati (2011) was administered to a stratified random sample of 356 adolescents (F=182, M= 174). T-test was employed to study gender and locale-wise differences & ANOVA in order to study stream-wise differences in career decision-making among adolescents. Findings revealed that there were significant gender, locale-wise and stream-wise differences in various dimensions of career decision-making among adolescents.


Pages: 18-22
Jagpreet Kaur and Ramanjeet Kaur (Department of Education and Community Service, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab )