A review on synergistic relationship between nutrition and exercise in treating depression
Pages: 653-658
Dhami P., Pandey P., Kaur, A., and Kaur K. (Department of Food and Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)
Kavitha C. (Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Community Science, UAS Dharwad, Karnataka)
Depression has become a global problem seeking immediate attention from health practitioners and nutritionists. It is a mental disorder caused by a wide array of modifiable and non modifiable factors. People with depression exhibit mood swings, loss of interest or pleasure, disturbed sleep, feelings of guilt and poor concentration. Evidences have found a causal relationship between certain foods, physical inactivity, genetic factors and the development, progression and treatment of depression. In the past, most studies have only focused on the association of depression with specific nutrients or foods. But, the recent studies showcases that nutrition in synergy with exercise and adequate sleep can be far more effective in treating depression compared to when involved alone. This review summarizes the role of various macronutrients and micronutrients and influence of consistent exercise regimen in the neurotransmitter’s synthesis and their regulation in influencing the mood and depressive symptoms of patients with depression. Although the efficacy of antidepressant drugs has also been well recognized but as prevention is better than cure, so is the role of these duo factors as a protective shield to pave away depression.
Pages: 653-658
Dhami P., Pandey P., Kaur, A., and Kaur K. (Department of Food and Nutrition, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab)
Kavitha C. (Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Community Science, UAS Dharwad, Karnataka)