A comparative study of psychological well-being among girls and boys
Pages: 1096-1098
Namita Shah (Govt. Arts & Commerce College, Jafrabad, Amreli, Gujrat)
There are many internal and external factors that play very important role in psychological well-being. And it is also fact that the psychological well-being it’s depends on every human nature. In the present time every students’ suffer in academic stress, social anxiety and sometimes depression also. And this all surrounding factors are affected on persons well-being either mental or physical. The main aim of the present research is to find out the psychological well-being among girls & boys student. In this study psychological well-being questionnaire was used which was constructed and standardized by Ms. Sudha Bhogle (1995). And ‘t’ test was applied to check the difference between the two groups. The result obtained through the study showed (t=4.63) significant difference among boys and girls.
Pages: 1096-1098
Namita Shah (Govt. Arts & Commerce College, Jafrabad, Amreli, Gujrat)