A comparative study of anxiety level of working and non-working mothers
Pages: 1199-1202
Satyananda Panda and Tika Maya Chettri (Department of Psychology, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim)
The aim of the present study was to see the existence of anxiety and compare anxiety level among working and non-working mothers. In the present context, there is an ample need to study anxiety in traditional socio-cultural Sikkim’s family context, the effect of working condition of mothers in comparison with non-working condition. The employment typically has positive psychological consequences for mothers either as a primary source of well-being or as a buffer against stress. Purposive sampling method was used for this study. Sample consisted of 50 graduate nurses (Working mothers) and 50 graduate housewives (non-working mothers). State-Trait Anxiety Test (STAT) developed by Vohra was used to assess the level of state and trait anxiety among working and non-working mothers. Participants’ scores were evaluated and analyzed and it was found that there is high level of anxiety (both state and trait) among working and non-working mothers. However, there exists no significant differences in anxiety level between working and non-working mothers (P < 0·05). It is high time that we realize that there is necessity of making work environment less stressful and more comfortable.
Pages: 1199-1202
Satyananda Panda and Tika Maya Chettri (Department of Psychology, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim)