
A Comparative Study of Aggression and Peer Pressure among Juvenile Delinquents and Normal Adolescents

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Page: 311-314
Manjeet and Manju (Department of Applied Psychology, GJU&ST, Hisar, Haryana)

The study was conducted to examine the significant differences on measures of aggression and peer pressure among Juvenile Delinquents and normal adolescents. To fulfill the major objective of the study, a sample of 100 male participants (50= Normal Adolescents & 50= Juvenile Delinquents) with age range from 14 to 18 years was included in the study. All participants were administered Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Warren, 2000) and Peer Pressure Scale (Rana & Saini, 2010) by applying the rules of respective manual. Descriptive statistics (Mean, SD, SK, KU) and t-test were used for statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics depicted the normalcy of data distribution except some minor discrepancies. t-test revealed that juvenile delinquents significantly scored higher on the four dimensions of aggression, i.e., physical aggression, anger, hostility, indifference and revealed no difference on the dimension of verbal aggression as compared to normal adolescents and Juvenile delinquents significantly scored higher on the variable of peer pressure in comparison to normal adolescents. Obtained findings depict subjects who scored high on aggression and peer pressure tends to be high on delinquency. Related review of literature also supports the findings of present study.


Page: 311-314
Manjeet and Manju (Department of Applied Psychology, GJU&ST, Hisar, Haryana)