
A Co-relational Study of Positive Psychological Factors among Long Lived People

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Ravinder Kumar and NovRattan Sharma (Department of Psychology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana)

The life of an individual passes through some predefined stages. The most common classification of these stages is child age, young age, and old age. Every individual faces a lot of Biological, psychological, and social-cultural change during this process of life. Previous researches show an individual who gains a positive experience from life lives longer than the person with a negative experience. In the present study, some psychological factors were taken to know whether there is any relationship between the psychological factors of long-lived members of the society. To fulfill this purpose 100 participants of more than 70 years were selected and took data of four psychological attributes, i.e., optimism, pessimism, resilience, and life satisfaction by using the reliable and valid scale of these attributes. Results show that three traits (optimism, resilience, & life satisfaction) were found positively associated with each other, and a negative correlation was found between pessimism and Resilience.


Ravinder Kumar and NovRattan Sharma (Department of Psychology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana)