236-239 Zaki Akhtar (Department of Psychology Karim City College, Jamshedpur) Prasant and Hoori Nadir (Kolhan University Chaibasa)

Pages: 236-239
Zaki Akhtar (Department of Psychology Karim City College, Jamshedpur)
Prasant and Hoori Nadir (Kolhan University Chaibasa)

Present study is an attempt of examine the level of job satisfaction and job involvement among private and government employees working in different branches of Jamshedpur. Job satisfaction scale developed by Singh and Sharma (1999) was used the collect the data for assessing the level of job satisfaction. Job involvement scale developed standardized by Singh (1984) was used to examine the level of job involvement. The result revealed that government employees are more satisfied as compare to private banks employees. Whereas, private banks employees tend to be more involved with their job as compare to their counterpart. Further, job satisfaction and job involvement are significantly correlated with each other.


Pages: 236-239
Zaki Akhtar (Department of Psychology Karim City College, Jamshedpur)
Prasant and Hoori Nadir (Kolhan University Chaibasa)